Highlight chat and privacy option
Highlight chat and privacy option.
Add advanced privacy options that will allow you to blue our the screen and information from prying eyer.
You can blur out contact name, contact number and other parts of the page separately.
You can also highlight unread chats with the extension.
Send customized messages
Send customized messages to your customers.
Want to send messages to everyone in a contact list?
You can now upload a CSV and select the phone numbers directly from the extension. Then you can send the messages to everyone in the list.
Please note that there are restrictions here to stop spamming with these tools.
WhatsApp sender is for business that wants to engage with their customers.

Quick text
Easily accessible quick text
Do you find yourself using certain text frequently?
Now use our 'Quick Text' feature to have the text at your fingertips always. Send messages easily.

Quick access Whats app
Quick access to WhatsApp™ tool
You can now quickly access WhatsApp™ from browser conveniently by clicking on our icon. The sender icon will be on the top right.